Tuesday, April 28, 2009

random 3

On Thursday we are throwing a fundraiser for Luke Messer at my house. Ever since I was younger my mom and dad have held Republican fundraisers are my house because my dad was the head of the Republican Party for the State of Indiana. When I was younger I have to admit that these fundraisers seemed pointless and boring and I would normally lock myself in my room or help the police park cars (I would drive people up to my house on the golfcart). I have to say now that I am older I really like these fundraisers and I am very excited to be having this one for Luke who I have known for a very long time now in Thursday. 

1 comment:

  1. Kenzie-
    It is very cool that you are able to enjoy these fundraisers now, although driving people in golf carts sounds pretty fun to me as well! My parents used to have parties as well and I never found them as much fun as I do now!
    Good blog!
