Monday, May 11, 2009

Random again

So right now I am very bored...and I am watching the movie the Waitress which is a very very good movie although it is kind of sad. My brother came home from IU on Friday which was exciting because to be honest I really do not like to be an only child because my parents constantly watch my every move so it is very nice to have my brother Sawyer home because finally they are not constantly watching me. I am getting very excited to get the AP English exam over because that will be my last AP test and after that I don't have a whole lot of studying for the entire rest of the year which is a positive thing.


  1. Kenzie-
    I also like the movie The Waitress. I watched it with my cousin when she had surgery. My sister also came home this weekend, which means that I get a break at home as well. I guess it pays off that colleges get off before we do!

  2. I have never seen the movie The Waitress. Is it a Lifetime movie? haha just kidding. I'm sure it is a great movie. It's good that your brothers home, but it must get annoying watching him have all this free time and going out at night when you are stuck studying.
