Friday, January 9, 2009

disaster reaction

The reaction to the earthquake in San Francisco was similar to the reaction during the recent disasters that America has faced. During the San Francisco earthquake the city came together and worked together to solve the situation. Instead of mass chaos the city people helped each other. This was the case in New York during 911. In the beginning the entire city came together in hopes of helping those in need after the devastating terrorist attack. However during Hurricane Katrina, there was a lot of looting because of the lack of supplies for the victims. Eventually, the rest of America went to New Orleans and helped the people by bringing various supplies. 
I think that the reactions are similar because it all involves helping others and cities uniting so that they can successfully grow again. However there was some difference because today we have the technology to get rid of fire quicker. This allows us to not have quite as much damage as they did when that specific earthquake hit San Francisco. 

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